Whether a player is relocating from outside Scotland or from within the UK, this involves adjustment which can be an unsettling and unfamiliar time.
Ben Atiga, our Player Liaison, has first-hand experience of international travel and relocation. He can assist with important areas such as:
- Advice/guidance on buying/renting property, including setting up viewings and securing accommodation
- Budgeting for a new currency and understanding local living costs
- Setting up bank accounts
- Identifying suitable local schools
- Local general knowledge
- Cultural information
Just as it is important for a player to settle into their new city and make a home, it is vitally important that they settle into their new club.
In the first six weeks at a new club, players have a one to one meeting with our International Resettlement Advisor to discuss overall development and what specific support is suited to them. Each player will undertake an induction prior to the season commencing.
A players induction comprises of key areas, including:
- Understanding of Scottish Rugby Union as a Sports Governing Body and the national role of Scottish Rugby
- Our club values and behaviours
- Standards and best practice for anti-doping, concussion, alcohol awareness, social media and anti-corruption
- The expectations of professional rugby playersin Scotland, which is fundamental to their welfare and the integrity of the game