Scottish Building Society & Jamie Ritchie team up to support local families

Scottish Building Society & Jamie Ritchie team up to support local families

Edinburgh Rugby centurion Jamie Ritchie has turned his on-field success into something even more meaningful. Fresh off a stellar May, which earned him the coveted Scottish Building Society Player of the Month award, Ritchie has chosen to donate the entire £500 prize to Ronald McDonald House Charities UK.

The Charity provides free ‘home away from home’ accommodation for the families of children in hospital at 14 Houses around the UK, including at the Royal Hospital for Children & Young People in Edinburgh.

This decision wasn’t just a random act of generosity; a personal connection to the charity fuelled his desire to give back in a significant way, with Scottish Building Society backing Ritchie’s decision.

“It’s a charity that’s close to my heart,” Ritchie shared. “A few years ago, my little sister had an operation that didn’t go to plan and ended up having to stay in hospital longer. Ronald McDonald House put up my dad and step-mum while she recovered in America. Our family always takes any opportunity to support them, and this felt perfect.”

A look inside the house

Ritchie’s visit to Ronald McDonald House Edinburgh provided a first-hand look at how donations are used.

“I got a tour and saw the amazing facilities,” Ritchie explained. “It’s pretty cool to see how it works, especially being one of only a few Ronald McDonald Houses based right in a hospital.”

Keeping families close

Ross King, House Manager at Ronald McDonald House Edinburgh, echoed Ritchie’s sentiments.

“Our main mission is to keep families close to their children in hospital,” King said. “Being based within the hospital means families are just 30 steps away from their child’s ward. We’re always happy to show people around and donations like this allow us to keep a family close for two weeks.”

The impact of giving

The donation from Ritchie, facilitated by Scottish Building Society’s Player of the Month award programme, directly impacts families.

“It’s awesome what Scottish Building Society is doing,” Ritchie said. “We’re grateful for their support of these donations. Knowing they back our choices for charities is a great thing. This is a really important way for both Edinburgh Rugby and Scottish Building Society to support local and national charities like Ronald McDonald House Charities UK.”

With Jamie Ritchie’s generous donation and the ongoing support of Scottish Building Society, Ronald McDonald House Edinburgh will continue to provide a vital free “home away from home” for families facing the challenges of a child’s hospitalisation.

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